Sorry it's been awhile since we last posted. Our last day in Guangzhou was a bit rainy. Our friends, Joe and Lisa, had a small flood in their room before we checked out. The water from their room was making it through the wall to the carpet in our room.
To kill the time we shopped a little and hung out at Starbucks. We found a store called A Gift From China that
uses it's profits to support the orphans in China. They had a lot of items not seen in all the other stores. We left for the airport around 6 p.m. About ten minutes into our ride to the airport, Tony realized we had left our camera in the hotel lobby. We had to pull of the highway and wait for the bellman to bring the camera via taxi. Luckily we weren't too far from the hotel.
The twelve hour flight back to Los Angeles was uneventful....thanks to Benedryl. It was nice to see a lot of our family at LAX. John-Luc and Jax had an instant connection. John-Luc loves being a big brother. We spent the night close to the airport and headed to Denver on a 6:28 a.m. flight. DIA was still recovering from the snow storm. There were a lot of people wait
ing for flights. Morgan Zhao and his family greeted us at the airport. It was a great moment to see Jax with Morgan and his family. We truly appreciate all that Morgan did to make this adoption happen so quickly. He had a few late nights calling China on our behalf.
Jax seems to be slowly getting use to life in America. He loves to eat so we have to be careful not to feed him too much. Nights are the hardest so right now we have him sleeping in our bed. Home schooling has not been too difficult. He enjoys playing while we get through our schooling. He loves to be with John-Luc and Morgan. When I put him down for a nap or to bed for the night, he cries and keeps saying things about his sister and his brother. I can only really understand the sister and brother part. The last two days I have showed him the picture of his foster family. He takes the picture and points to the man and woman, says a few things and then hands the picture back to me. I'm not sure if this is a good sign.
Thanks again to everyone for following our journey. Right now everything feels different and new, but I know soon we won't remember life without Jax. Morgan loves to have Tony tell her about his journey to China to bring her home. I hope in a few years Morgan can help Tony and me tell Jax his story.